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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A helping hand to newer photographers...

I don't mean to be tedious posting so much over the last two days. But I was just checking my hits and noticed a couple of my links - the "Online stores you can set up. Write me with questions" section.

Now, you need to know that I do stand to get a little bump from one of these companies. However, I still stand behind the suggestion I am about to make. I have been using one of the sites to host my web store, My experiences there over the last year have been really good. 

They have been limited mostly by my decisions on what to shoot. I don't like to do weddings, so when I do them I tend to charge low and not put a lot of marketing work into them. Still, using this web site I will be making an extra few hundred dollars off the site this month. 

In addition to the occasional wedding, I also post the results of shoots I do for bands on this site. 

This isn't meant to be a bragging session, nor is it a a bare-faced pimping of the site I use. What it is is an attempt to give some sound advice to any other photographer.

At least three other photographers and a pair of artists have helped mentor me.  So I feel obligated to help you. If you want to know more, you can email me. We'll have coffee and talk about what you need.

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